Duminică, 2024-05-19, 2:15 AM
Principala » Online jocuri » Cautarea obiectelor

Mysteriez! 2

Can you handle more number mysteriez? Take up your trusty spyglass and continue your search in this exciting puzzle game! Chase camouflaged numbers through more exciting levels that will push your eagle eyes to the limit! The faster you uncover the numbers, the higher your score. But be careful where you click: clicking objects that aren't numbers will drain your time limit! Put on your sleuthing cap and enjoy Mysteriez! 2!
Raging: 0.0/0
Contoare: 333/10
Total comentarii : 1
1 Camelo  
ok I have done everything (if crorect that is the question), but my game keeps spazzing the visual and collision layers and I can not move the character any more, even thou I never touched the character move controlls. this happened even before putting in the code and after makeing the layer changes ( so I put stop() on every layer and nothing improved).any ideas anybody?ps can't you just convert your cs 5.5 file into a later version, as that really helped when checking where I messed up in the code or visuals.thanks

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